Contest URL: 10K+ EntreCard Giveaway
Deadline: May 5, 2009
Grand Prize (1): 6K EC
1st Prize (1): 4K EC
2nd Prize (3): 1K EC
Metallman’s Reverie - 2K EC
The Path to the Pegasus Letter - 1K EC
How to enter:

Deadline: May 5, 2009
Grand Prize (1): 6K EC
1st Prize (1): 4K EC
2nd Prize (3): 1K EC
Metallman’s Reverie - 2K EC
The Path to the Pegasus Letter - 1K EC
How to enter:
- Write a quality comment on any blog post at Nintendo Kingdom. This does not include “nice post” or “I agree” or anything of that nature. This blog is Do-Follow so every comment will earn you a backlink (1 Entry per comment).
- Subscribe to the blog via the “Main Entries RSS” link on the side (2 Entries)
- Digg a blog post (1 Entry for every Digg)
- Write a blog post advertising this contest with a link to this blog post. You are welcome to directly copy any or all of this post. It must include the link to the sponsors (5 entries + 5 bonus entries if links are Do-Follow).
- Write a blog post in response to any blog post here at Nintendo Kingdom. It must include a link back to the post here (5 entries).