This is the easy contest where you can win unique blog design and no hassle to customised blog. Besides, that you also can win SEO blog and learn how to make profitable blog design.
Contest URL: Lucky Draw Contest: $1,500 Customised Blog Design
Deadline: April 30, 2009
Filling the form to receive their newsletter.- 1 entry
Blog about this contest and link to the contest post with this keywords 'Blog Design', 'Customised Blog' , 'Profitable Blog Design' -5 entries
Your post send a trackback, if the trackback doesn't work then enter the URL in the comments.

Contest URL: Lucky Draw Contest: $1,500 Customised Blog Design
Deadline: April 30, 2009
- A unique design, crafted to meet your individual needs and the unique nature of your blog.
- Free installation of a blogging platform (Wordpress)
- Free hosting service for 12 months
- A Search Engine Optimised (SEO) blog
- Installation of up to 10 widgets
- Includes up to 10 email addresses
Filling the form to receive their newsletter.- 1 entry
Blog about this contest and link to the contest post with this keywords 'Blog Design', 'Customised Blog' , 'Profitable Blog Design' -5 entries
Your post send a trackback, if the trackback doesn't work then enter the URL in the comments.