Deadline: January 1, 2009
Premium Gifts
Three 1st year free web hosting vouchers worth 100$ each by Wpwebhost
Single site license Arthemia premium theme by Michael Jubel worth 70$
Single use license of any theme of your choice at Premiumthemes by Wpremix
Directory Listings:
Free 1 yr Feature listing of your site in PR3 Dawsoneng directory worth $36/ year, by
Free text link on for 3months by
Banner design:
Custom free design worth 40$ by
Free Entrecards credits for the following by
1000 Entrecard Credits from IndoContest
1000 EC’s from Rapidshoots
500 EC’s from Affiliatizer
500 EC’s from ScandalsPrime
Free E-book:
“Work smart, Get Rich” worth $15 by Make Money Online
Free Text LInks:
one-month text ad link worth $7.50 on Make Money Online
A couple of text links worth $50 by thewwwblog
one hour Blog Consultation with Ram Karthik worth $60
one featured link for a month worth $15 by WebTrafficROI
Banner ads:
Two 125 image ads for a month worth $30 by the DesmondBlog
One 125 image ads for a month in Problogineer and one 125 ads in technicamag
One 125 ads slot for a month worth $15 by Wei Liang
One month 125 ads slot by Techpavan
one 125 ads for a month by onlinebull
Two 125 badges on sidebar worth $20 each by blogsolute
one 125 image ads for a month by NiharsWorld
Updated Prizes ( December 17,2008):
1. A Custom logo design worth $99
2. Any web templates of your choices from
3. A Custom header design worth $149
4. A software icons from
How to enter:- Write a review about the contest with the title BEFolks First Grand
New Year contest in your blog and sponsors and gifts involved in it
with the link as you can also a send a trackback to this post when once you’re done. ( 20 points) - Subscribe to feed via email (15 points)
- Stumble upon and review the post (15 points)
- Add the site to Technorati (15 points)
- Comment on the site ( 3 points)
- Link or add BEFolks to your blogroll (6 points)
- Link sponsors to your site.(8 points)
will be awarded with maximum gifts and also the winner’s blog will be reviewed by BEFolks